Type 81 SM Torpedo Spirit Level 250mm by Stabila
- This compact bevelled shaped level has a die-cast aluminum body which makes it one of the sturdiest levels that STABILA makes. This level is for all those who need both hands free when aligning and levelling on steel frame structures. The 81 SM Torpedo has a rare earth magnet system with strong holding-power. The vial is precisely aligned with the milled measuring surface then locked together. This gives you years of accurate levelling.
Product advantages
- Compact, tough, cast aluminium profile.
- Slender, trapezoidal profile shape for an optimum, easy grip.
- Strong rare-earth magnet system for adhesion to metal objects – leaves the hands free when aligning and adjusting pillars and supports.
- With a length of only 25 cm, the torpedo spirit level is ideally suited for applications in cramped conditions.
- Easy cleaning – dirt can be removed thanks to the electrostatic powder coating.
- Spirit level with one precision-milled measuring surface – no discolourations on the surface.
- STABILA installation technology ensures long-term accuracy – measuring accuracy in normal position is ± 0.5 mm/m and ± 0.75 mm/m in reverse position.
- Equipment: 1 horizontal vial, 1 vertical vial, 1 milled measuring surface, rare-earth magnet system (up to 5 times stronger than standard ferrite magnets).
- 02511
- 02511