Diamond Blade, Turbo Rim by Dymaxion
About this item:
- These Turbo Rim blades have bonds optimised for cutting clay brick and natural limestone.
- Turbo blades feature a continuous rim with an edge that is serrated.
- This serrated edge is designed to give the blade faster cutting speeds while maintaining a smooth cut, combining the best qualities from both segmented and continuous rim blades.
- Diamond blades do not cut, they actually grind through the material by exposing new diamond at the right moment just before the old diamond wears away.
- The newly exposed diamonds again will wear, chip, or break out of the metal bond in the segment, while the metal bond gradually wears away to expose new diamond. This process is repeated over and over until there is no diamond remaining and the blade is worn out.
- Ideally and to get the maximum life out of a diamond blade, the metal should wear away at just the right time to expose new diamond for optimum cutting performance.
- If the metal wears away too quickly, the diamonds are exposed to soon and get torn out of the metal bond before they are fully worn. The result is a very short blade life.
- If the metal wears away too slowly, the diamonds wear away before new diamond is exposed. This is often referred to as a ‘glazed blade’. Without exposed diamond the blade will not cut.
- Abrasive materials like green concrete and asphalt will wear the metal bond very fast, so blades for these materials have a much harder metal bond to resist this abrasion.
- The opposite occurs on a hard clay paver the clay paver is not abrasive enough to wear the metal bond fast enough to expose fresh diamond, therefore a different and much softer alloy is needed for cutting these types.
- The single most important factor for the life of the blade is to match it to the job application and the type of equipment it is being used on.
- BDBT100
- BDBT115
- BDBT125
- BDBT150
- BDGT180
- BDBTT230
- BDBT350
- BDBT300
- BDBT100
- BDBT115
- BDBT125
- BDBT150
- BDBTT230
- BDBT300
- BDBT350
- BDGT180