9.5mm (3/8″) x 838mm Lamp Hole Auger Boring Spoon bit by Clifton
9.5mm (3/8″) x 838mm Lamp Hole Auger Boring Spoon bit by Clifton
Clifton Lamp Auger Bits are long bits with a shell style cutting end intended primarily for boring into end grain. These bits are used for boring holes the full length of a work piece, usually to run a wire through it for building a lamp. Of course there are other reasons why you might want to bore a long hole in a workpiece. These bits work by holding the bit on a rest while the workpiece is rotated in your lathe. The bit does not turn, and requires a lathe to be used properly. Because the Clifton auger bit is not a spiral bit, you need to repeatedly remove the bit to clear waste. Also, it is imperative that you do not run the bit into your chuck or it will be ruined.