1720W Automatic Hot Melt Pre-Gluer For Tapes PR25VJ-DV by Virutex
Automatic, low maintenance, hot melt edge pre-gluer, for pre-gluing materials such as: plastic or wood laminate strips, layered strips, 0.4 to 3 mm PVC, ABS, polyester, melamine or wood veneer tapes. Like the PR25P, it automatically glues tapes for later use with edgebanders for pre-glued tapes, as manufactured by Virutex, or with any hot air edgebanding machines. It has thermoelectric temperature control, automatic start and stop of the feed motor, depending on the glue temperature, and an accurate dosage mechanism which dispenses the exact amount of glue to obtain the required density on the back of the tape. It has a built-in, automatic winder which easily unwinds rewinds it already glued with no risk of accidental gluing, thanks to the built in drying unit. It has a low maintenance, non-stick silicon dispenser roller which prevents glue blockages.
The PR25P-DV has a built-in, automatic winder which easily unwinds and rewinds it already glued with no risk of accidental gluing, thanks to the built in drying unit.